Originality, How To Find Yours.


have you ever felt like what is my life, I am literally good for nothing, all of my special qualities include watching TV, surfing the internet and bugging my friends and sitting and worrying and dying?  Don’t worry we’ve all been there and that internet part is what my majority of the day looks like. I always believe that everybody has some kind of talent and if you haven’t found yours then surely, you’re doing something wrong.  Now, I ain’t expert at giving advice but I can surely tell you how I get enlighten and inspired to run after my specialty which is *irritating people ( naah)* Writing and devouring books and just simply learning and discovering Literature. Finding originality is very tough to achieve in the likes of being judged so first thing you’d do before reading my big piece of article is to devoid yourself from FEAR OF BEING JUDGED.


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Did you say that talent and interest in literature are worthless *yaa keep ongoing*?  Now, my dear listen judging others over their actions and simply demotivating others is what some people find pleasure in. The first thing one should always remember that nobody is entitled to judge you until you let them do so. There are some manmade rules set by humans and they accept every being to act like one, but little did they know that well-behaved person who likes to be accepted never do GREAT not good GREAT in life. Telling my parents that I wanna pursue English lit was very stressful as apparently, there isn’t any good career available for us but whatsoever I LIKE THIS AND I WANNA DO THIS BECAUSE ENGLISH IS WHAT I AM GOOD AT AND LOVE TO DO. To be successful you need to understand that difference is good, you don’t need a big herd of people surrounding you TBH the more people you befriend with the more time you’ll NOT have to concentrate on your skills. Taking career advice is another thing okay don’t put your head in the air after reading this that you don’t listen to any valuable advises, differentiate between what’s good and what’s toxic for you.


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Now, this does seem like an insane advice but trust me this works just fine if you imply in a good way. I am socially awkward person with anxiety disorder so I don’t properly merge well with crowd *sometimes* during my 9th and 10th my only friends got separated from me which was hard because I HATE MAKING FRIENDS and my new mates were literally all so extrovert and bunch of popular girl *blaah” I hated them all but now that I look back they weren’t so bad, I was way too shy to approach. But, this opens an opportunity to concentrate on me. I am not a bright student, I am below average student and lazy, so this was depressing again to tell myself that Shubhra you’re good and well. Rather than becoming some mindless mugger I tried to improve on my social quotient and tried to understand that if I am so pathetic at math and science and Hindi why do I even care what my marks are on these subjects and why I bother to pursue them even though they’re titled as the intellectuals’ subjects so I dropped it in 11th and dad did scold me for choosing this path obviously he later understand my side and I have never been happier though I regret not pursuing my History love.  In order to find your individuality, you gotta cut those things which distract you from achieving it like people, subject and whatever.


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Now listen y’ll as I mentioned above it’s okay to lack something we all aren’t perfect and trynna be perfect will never do you a favor.  A person can only be good at 4-5 things and trust me it’s all you need in life to become successful and finding originality. I always like to give an example from my life because obviously, that’s how I’ll connect to y’ll. Lemme be brutally honest with you I failed my maths exams multiple times *no regrets* this actually allowed me to think this theory that failure is important in life if you wanna know what your capabilities are.  Don’t bother with your reputation trust me people think what they wanna think you just keep on going with your brainstorms. If people label me as a failure and dumb student then I couldn’t care less because maths is not I wanna excel at. So, it’s better to put your vision into improving something you have rather than in what you don’t have. We are only humans and if you go through lives of unique and successful people you’ll find one thing common which is FAILURE


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As I said no one is good at everything. As soon as you find your passion and individuality or skill you’d put that in action. Listen I don’t believe in incarnation or multiple living opportunities nor in immorality. You gotta accept the fact that as soon as you die people will forget you, no one is gonna waste their lives grieving over you, people move ( In case you are ingenious and invent some new theory to some maths equation or made history SOME people will curse you) So you’ve one little life of over or under 80 years-  you gotta pull up your socks and plan your action plan like where you gonna study what subject you gonna pursue, what job you gonna get and work upon it. Every second waste is every second lost in life in order to be you. Shoot for the moon you’ll land somewhere around it or on stars and trust me you’ll be happy.  Finding your individuality does allow you to live a better life so knowing your skill set is important. I do believe in carpe-diem approach myself but you shouldn’t live too much in the present that you’ve no idea about the life ahead.


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My favorite thing in this entire world. If you are surrounded by people who like to talk crap all the time and does very little or not at all help in improving upon your skills or their own or just simply has no aim in life, then please distant yourself from them. Why befriend people who like to spread negativity and treat you like a crap. I know a person who has this friend group who literally manipulated her to be something she is not. She has great potential and an excellent skill in English but again she’s too much enclosed by the very fact of getting accepted by people she doesn’t even like (she told me so, what irony). To be original you gotta not care about people and their opinion on you. Accept criticism with grace but do as you like. There are 7 billion people on earth and literally, you don’t have to hold on to people who don’t appreciate your uniqueness.

I know I write enormous articles, I’ll work on that now😊 as I said I ain’t expert at telling you what you should or what you should not do. You need to believe in your guts and please listen to your heart because at the end no one understands you better than yourself. Leave down your thoughts on this article and lemme know what are things that make you the black sheep 😊 and do you have any thoughts to add on to this already big article 😊 Thanks for reading it 😊


All the love, do well in finding your originality


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