Jumanji 2 : Welcome to the jungle SPOILER-FREE review

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 A game for those who seek to find / A way to leave their world behind.

Ever been stuck in a game, we all at some point in our lifetime wish to live the life of the protagonist we are controlling over the screen, wouldn’t that’d be fascinating. Until we are there, the things begin to seem surreal. I have been an admirer of the first film, the original, I have seen as many times as there it is, I cant count the times on my fingers that’s for sure. I even went ahead and followed the animated series of Alan Parrish in Jumanji jungle. which is evident enough I was excited to relive the Jumanji journey, the itinerary of it, filled with adventure and ANIMALS !!

This is a video game, which means we have special skills.

I like the intertextuality they did to bring back the nostalgia,  it contributed significantly to Jumanji’s success. You can’t help but notice the small intricate details in the movie which connects to its predecessor. I, for sure enjoyed Jumanji 2, it did justice to his predecessor. The titular game this time around wasn’t that daunting like earlier, jokes and witty writing with excellent background score made the movie a risible in a way.

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What you seek is in the basket / If you’re not careful, you’ll be in a casket / Trust each other, and never blink / The missing piece is not what you think.


It all started out with a game and turned into an expedition called Jumanji. The movie gave 15 mins to introduce the diverse character set of characters and their personality quirks. Spencer, a smart and dorky kid who lacks confidence and is in dire need of friends, Spencer life revolves around video games and books. Fridge, tall-built, athlete, little delinquent and coerce, who needs to learn about being modest. Bethany, your typical beauty-queen, extremely ethereal, the ‘IT’ girl who needs to learn about inner-beauty and amour-propre. Martha, studious and demure who needs to learn to be nonchalant and living the moment. Each one of the character land themselves in detention and from there they go on an excursion of discovering their true-self.

Image result for jumanji 2 kidsImage result for jumanji 2

Fridge finds the titular game which now has taken a form of video-game to lure the audition of today.  when Spencer fixes the game and asks the other to join this game called Jumanji but little did they know about the competence of Jumanji, this leisure game turned lethal when they got themselves trailed by the game and then what: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE:. Each teenager getting transmutes into the avatar they chose to play the game. The subtext here is that each teenager gets the personality divulging their personality quirks. Definitely, I don’t understand the commercialism and branding of this movie as a squeal, Jumanji 2 can be released as a stand-alone. I guess, creating a Jumanji cinematic universe may add up to its selling factor, the whole movie is filled with evocative references to the old Jumanji. In Jumanji 2, their quest is to retrieve the jewel back to its rightful place which in Jumanji JUNGLE is a jaguar mountain.


Overall I’d say I liked the movie, it was enjoyable. would I recommend this movie? well, yet I’d but I do think the movie has some plot hole, it isn’t a masterpiece like its predecessor or a cult classic. Jumanji 2 is unique in its own way, I guess its target audition mostly consists of teen and young folks, and it did win teenagers and younger audition’s heart.I am a bit iffy about it, in a way it is forgettable but then again it is a commercial movie and made for entertainment purpose. I felt good after watching the movie, it worth my time but I just don’t see Jumanji 2 as one of my favorite movie, one-time watch.  I guess 3.5/5 would be suited for Jumanji 2. 

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