Ever since I have seen STRANGER THINGS my life has gone completely UPSIDE DOWN, I binged the entirety of season 1 and 2 in 3 days, needless to say, I was confounded and flabbergasted. Steve HarringtonThe whole series is an eloquent piece of art, I forced all my friends to watch STRANGER THINGS including my brother and evidently, they all loved it. The plotline to the plot twist, to the dynamic characters to the cinematography, and definitely the background score and soundtrack, it is all so prodigious. I should make a series review of Stranger Things ( I will think of it as I have seen Stranger things way back in November).steve harrington | Tumblr Since I am not able to get over the fact that I have to wait a year to binge-watch season 3, I can only at this point go through fanfics and tags, and I am very honored to be tagged by Prarthana her blog CLICK! to do this wonderful tag. Stranger Things and Books, what else do I need now, oh yes can I have MIKE and STEVE. dang, it !! I simply adore all my Hawkings dwellers especially the main clique.



The opening sequence of stranger things is amazing and really grabs your attention. Name a book that grabbed your attention from the first page.

Image result for out of the easy book pdfthe wars in our stars                                                                                                                                                     More

I just finished this amazing book call “OUT OF THE EASY” by Ruta Sepetys and the book’s opening line glued me to the novel the way Dustin was dazzled by D’Artagnan in ST. I just couldn’t put the book down, it was as if my life depends on the book and I need to complete it. There’s a fun fact about me – Ruta Sepetys is my favorite author. Basically, the book is about a daughter of a brothel prostitute and it isn’t some contemptible story rather it is a dignified and inspiring story of a girl trying to fly with her broken wings. I recommend this to you. 

My mother’s a prostitute. Not the filthy, streetwalking kind


Name a fantasy world you would like to experience yourself.

Image result for narnia bookStranger Things (2016) [1575 x 2227]

NARNIA, let me explain you this, I read the Narnia books when I was 10 years old, I perceived the story to be beguiling. I was enticed to visit the magical world of Narnia and Aslan. The most riveting thing my brain could observe at that time was the age group and the birth order of the main protagonists, it was exactly like mine. Like Adam, I also have a big brother (cousin tho), I stand at 2nd like Susan, Edward comes third (like my brother) and the little lucy comes last like my cousin-sister. I hankered to be like them, I still want to accidentally stumble upon a place with a wardrobe that has a passage to a secret land of NARNIA. Thus, my adventure shall begin.

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When Eleven met Mike, Dustin, and Lucas it was a *mostly* perfect team. Name your favorite bookish group of friends.


Honestly, I don’t wanna give any cliche answer by choosing  THE GOLDEN TRIO of HOGWARTS, but as I ponder through my shelf and I do see many books depicting stupendous friendship, however, none can quite beat the charm of the ORIGINALS. Can they? Here, I can’t help but choose HERMIONE, HARRY, and RON. I can also nominate THE MAURADERS, but thanks to Peter they ain’t the best dynamic out in the books of HARRY POTTER. They are an epitome of friendship.

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Joyce Byers goes mad with grief after will goes missing. Name your favorite mentally unhinged character.

DarkLucia:Madhouse FanciesGoodreads | Best Young Adult Fiction 2015 — Goodreads Choice Awards

I am aware of the whole romanticizing mental health in this book called “ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES” and I can see why some people didn’t like the book, I was gonna say Aza Holmes but whilst reading TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN I couldn’t relate to Aza, I could empathize with her character and I know that book is brilliantly written and should be cherish and all, however, going through a depressive phase I can personally relate Theo Finch. Finch is broken and needs mending, he is eccentric and battles his inner insecurities, Finch is hindered, his depression isn’t because of the quality of life he’s been living, it is because he craves affection. 

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Name a book that was the opposite of what you expected.

Stranger Things: The Acrobats and the FleasAm I Normal Yet?, by Holly Bourne | 26 Brilliant YA Books You Must Read This Summer

Am I normal yet by Holly Bourne. I really did think the book was gonna be some chick lit, I wanted a breezy book for a quick summer read and it turned to be a heavy on heart and head read. It gave me a perspective on feminism and sexism and friendship and about love. I had to google terminologies mentioned in the book and the book educated me on many prominent issues I wasn’t aware of before. The book is transparent and well researched, the author has a lot to say and she was able to articulate all of it in her book.

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Dr. Brenner likes to get freaky with humanity. Name the freakiest dystopian government you can think of.

Are you safe?The Handmaid's Tale (Hulu-April 26, 2017) a drama Sci-Fi film created by Bruce Miller. Based on the novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship. Stars: Elisabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Alexis Bledel, Madeline Brewer, Ann Dowd, O. T. Fagbenle, Max Minghella, Samira Wiley.

I mean, do I have to think twice, I hear dystopian and then I hear freaky and then my mind spontaneously reacts with the titles – THE HANDMAIND’S TALE and THE HUNGER GAMES, here for this category I am gonna go with the former. It is practically happening around the globe and it appalls me. The book should be in a museum.  Margaret Atwood envisioned the future and penned it down to make a poignant and haunting novel that will force you to ponder your choices. The government is rigid and brutal, the killings are vicious, nothing in this novel can be taken for granted, it could be a hyperbole but look around, don’t you think the society has become like Gilead.

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Name a scary bookish creature that you would not want to come through your walls.

This movie was interesting...but maybe too girlish.  I think Saoirse did a good job.  I remember her from Hanna, which I also liked.  The talking to herself thing was weird....and took a few scenes to get used to.

Let me be clear, I don’t read much fantasy books, I rarely pick any, the only creature that haunts me and gives me creeps are ZOMBIES, I hate zombies with all the fiber of my being, I do enjoy a good zombie movie but the nightmares I get afterwards isn’t something I am a fan of.  In the book world, I have read this book called THE HOST by Stephanie Meyer and the book has some alien-like creatures who like to dwell in someone else’s body, like a host henceforth the name. Those tiny little parasites looking creatures hijack a body and completely take over the person’s subconscious and being, they manifest themselves in the host’s body.  I wouldn’t want a parasite lingering inside of me, slowly hijacking my memories and subconscious and turning into me.

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Name a book that left you wanting more.

I just saw this all the feelings all at once I can't even I was literally rocking back and forth in the theater I cried...ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL so many feelings. Who has seen it?Adventure with INDIANA JONES, STRANGER THINGS, and More in Fan Art Friday…

CATCHING FIRE, how can someone possibly sleep after reading this book. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins ended on a high note, the book is filled with action and twists but, oh goodness ! the ending.  You can’t possibly be at rest after finishing book 2, getting your hands on book 3 becomes a necessity after completing book 2. The Hunger Games is my favorite book of all time and there’s a reason why, it so because it is awesome and you should read it. period

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Now, the book tag ends and I am gonna run straight to rewatch season 1&2 I guess, and count the days till season 3 drops out. I have heard it is in production process I guess, Whatever it may be, I WANT SEASON 3 RIGHT NOW. You can tell by the way I’ve written this blog that I am a FANATIC and I love the show very much and especially STEVE and MIKE.






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