Ode to Ingenuity


Thou perch myself, leer myself in the mirror.

contemplation, not always I appreciate what my being

I force myself to be benign despite the bitterness harvesting in me, nurturing by the extrinsic force.

Not always I have the valor to stoush my inner-demon.

perchance, it is someone else I am gazing at in the mirror.

the scars aren’t concealed, they’re there to be seen.

perhaps, people have gone purblind or were my scars irrelevant.

I am neither here nor there, I am everywhere but nowhere, I am lost in the epiphany.


will-he-nill-he, I shall thole myself

rival, seek to emulate askew facade with leaden steps, I assimilate being resilient.

The world at large, sham-and-jam us with the erroneous archetype of grandeur.

For the masses, beauty falls into the mold of slender limbs, growling stomach, insipid face, shallow heart.

for them. thee struggle to furnish the hollow-heart with callous and hostility

Improvising spurious smile that mimics pantomime.

they pose gaiety, however, the closer one gets the more conspicuous it gets to puzzle me solve.

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the melancholia to attain paradoxical happiness.

oh lord, I shall gladly trade my soul to procure nirvana.

a place of serenity where there’s no desire, envy, spite where my spirit is free of yearning and rapacious state where my soul isn’t reft between weltschmerz, where I shall accept the way I am, the way I belong to be.







DISCUSSION – Why I think 13 Reasons Why is problematic

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I have seen ’13 Reasons Why’ a month after its release date, tho, I was indeed excited to binge the show since it has Selena Gomez in the producer’s seat and the show is based off a book, as a reader anything that has to do with books get me all pumped up.
13 Reasons Why has a lot to divulge, the steam of the show itself emphasizes salient issues such as sexual assault, homosexuality, bullying, suicide, mental illness. The show has a profusion of leitmotifs to talk about and also, all the necessary resources to execute the idea and theme, but to my dismay, the show felt flat and lacked the depth and maturity to tackle such prominent issues. I am chagrined by the fact this show used suicide and mental health impediment as the plot device to gain profit. The efforts seem very futile to me. 13 Reasons Why ended up being another teen-drama show. Yes, Hannah explicitly mentioned what shoved her off the ledge but the building up to her mental ebbing state was forlorn, the writers and directors could’ve done so much better with a plotline they had in their hands. I have many grievances with 13 Reasons Why, since, season2 is inevitable it only makes sense to me to mention the points I don’t appreciate in the show. 13 Reasons Why has gotten many eulogizes, primely from the younger audiences, the revelation hasn’t come yet about the show, so I may as well do it.

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Let me just put it there, 13 Reasons Why tackles a dark and dour issue but this doesn’t mean the show gets a green light to depict anything as the director and producers please. This political-correctness cant suppress the fact 13 Reasons Why glorifies suicide and delineates suicide is the only option to get revenge on your bullies and assaulter.

My initial reactions upon finishing the show were same as everyone else who’d seen 13 Reasons Why. I wept copious amount of times. I had pestered others to watch the show. I even panegyrized 13 Reasons Why incessantly, but as the times passes I begun to scrutinize the show and to my revelation, the show is nothing but one problematic heap.


Continue reading “DISCUSSION – Why I think 13 Reasons Why is problematic”

5 TV Series You Need To Binge-Watch NOW !

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It is pretty much evident that I spend quite a lot of time in front of my TV to behold the greatness that is Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu, this is where I dwell.  I browse to discover new shows to binge and induce my brain with creativity and view the panorama of ideas. TV Series can convey unprecedented notions to display. Basically, you can binge a show for entertainment or ingenuity, it is all about preferences. I am a visual art enthusiast, I am not a critic so I won’t be analyzing or scrutinizing any show here but what I can do is recommend some amazingly crafted Tv shows to binge.


The Handmaid's Tale: Season 2 I praise this show all the time. If you haven’t seen this show yet, then you need to watch this impeccable and unparallel show as soon as you can, I praise this show all the time. The show has subtexts, metaphors, and symbolism to the prevailing circumstances in the world. Regardless of what other people say about this being dark and brutal. The realistic depiction of oppression and misogyny in the show makes it authentic and surreal. The show is about Offred aka June Osborn who is forced to take up handmaid duties, in this dystopian society women are barren as their fertility rate started ebbing way due to excessive wars and the resulting chemical fallout, to bear children higher authority hires handmaids basically women with working ovaries, the head of the family torments the handmaid for a child.


Aisha Dee, Meghann Fahy, and Katie Stevens in The Bold Type (2017)

The show pleasantly surprised me, never could I ever for the life of me would’ve guessed that I’d love a show as much as I adored The Bold Type. Let’s be honest, the trailer for the show is crappy and it should be revoked. The show presents 3 incredibly resilient and independent women navigating their lives in New York whilst working for a fashion magazine, honestly this show offers much more than the old predictive “the devil wears Prada’ rip off, because it is not a rip off, it is an original and most empowering show I have ever seen, the show deals with feminist issues and unyoke us all, not just women but all being. The show presents ideas and topics to discuss. In and all, you ought to watch this show. The show rubbed a great impression on me and I highly recommend this show. I certainly can’t wait to watch season 2, to educate myself more about the salient topics.


Beautifully shot with one beautiful soundtrack. Almost can't handle the adorable E.T nods so far, so 80s, it's great!

Oh, wait, unless you have been living under a rock like Patrick from SpongeBob you should know what Stranger Things is. It is a phenomenal and most riveting show to bless the planet Earth, to say the least, it created a movement of fandom hysteria. I binged the entire 2 seasons in 3 days, that is to say, the show is hella addictive, the show is filled with action and thrill, it will keep you on the edge. It is a sci-fi, I am not really the type of person who is into sci-fi but there’s always a gateway door,  for sci-fi it was Stranger Things for me. The show is all about the other dimension and aliens and characters you can’t help but fall in love with.


Big Little Lies  l Big Little Lies official key art courtesy of HBO As described by HBO "Big Little Lies paints a picture of a town fueled by rumors and divided into the haves and have-nots exposing the conflicts secrets and betrayals that ...

I watched the show in a blip, I didn’t expect anything exceptional out of the show but I am glad to be wrong. I have only seen nothing but positive reviews about the show. The show’s line up itself can get a grown man pumped up, we are talking about Shailene Woodly, Reese Witherspoon, Zoë Kravitz, Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, Alexander Skarsgård, Adam Scott and Meryl Streep is joining the cast for season 2. The cinematography to the soundtrack everything about BIG LITTLE LIES is immaculate, unparalleled. The show plays with your head, it is a thriller genre, the show is addicting, I got completely engrossed in the world of Monterey. The performances in the show are exemplary, no wonder they bagged all the awards in their category, they all did their best. The show also highlights issues like sexual assault, abuse, bullying, empowerment, INSPIRES us to be more invigorating, kind, resilient.


Black Mirror Season4

Hands down to the best show on the face of Earth. You need to watch Black Mirror, the show is all about technology and the threats it could have. It is an anthology series so you don’t need to watch it chronologically, the episodes aren’t connected to each other, they all stand on their own. Black Mirror literally divulges the dark side of technology to the world, it mirrors the reality back to us, the reality that we all have long been ignoring. Technology is a boon, but there’s always a flip side, hence, technology can be a bane to us, how far has it gone, how should this go, are we using technology in the right way, can a technology does more harm to us than good.  I simply couldn’t sleep after finishing an episode of black mirror. It isn’t a binge-worthy show, you should watch an episode and ponder about it, each and every episode of Black Mirror is disturbingly beautiful


When I was watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S

If you have a recommendation for me then drop them down in the comment section and if you would like to discuss the shows mentioned above then the comment section is the place for you. 🙂


Spoiler Free Review Of “OUT OF THE EASY” by RUTA SEPETYS





“I leapt eagerly into books. The characters’ lives were so much more interesting than the lonely heartbeat of my own.”


This is a spoiler-free review of OUT OF THE EASY by RUTA SEPETYS, here I am just talking about the plot and pace of the book.


Out of the Easy is set against the vivid backdrop of 1950s New Orleans. Written by New York Times bestselling author Ruta Sepetys, this novel has something for everyone: love, mystery, murder, blackmail and warmth.

Josie Moraine wants out of The Big Easy – she needs more than New Orleans can offer. Known locally as a brothel prostitute’s daughter, she dreams of life at an elite college, far away from here.

But then a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie caught between her ambition and a clandestine underworld. New Orleans is luring Josie deeper in as she searches for the truth, and temptation beckons at every turn

Continue reading “Spoiler Free Review Of “OUT OF THE EASY” by RUTA SEPETYS”


Ever since I have seen STRANGER THINGS my life has gone completely UPSIDE DOWN, I binged the entirety of season 1 and 2 in 3 days, needless to say, I was confounded and flabbergasted. Steve HarringtonThe whole series is an eloquent piece of art, I forced all my friends to watch STRANGER THINGS including my brother and evidently, they all loved it. The plotline to the plot twist, to the dynamic characters to the cinematography, and definitely the background score and soundtrack, it is all so prodigious. I should make a series review of Stranger Things ( I will think of it as I have seen Stranger things way back in November).steve harrington | Tumblr Since I am not able to get over the fact that I have to wait a year to binge-watch season 3, I can only at this point go through fanfics and tags, and I am very honored to be tagged by Prarthana her blog CLICK! to do this wonderful tag. Stranger Things and Books, what else do I need now, oh yes can I have MIKE and STEVE. dang, it !! I simply adore all my Hawkings dwellers especially the main clique.

Continue reading “‘STRANGER THINGS’ BOOK TAG”

My Valedictorian Speech.

I only recently finished my high school, like every other school, my school also had a farewell, to tell you the truth I never really liked 90% of the things associated with my school in any form or shape, altho the farewell organization was applaudable, the juniors did best of their efforts. Also, I got to deliver the Valedictorian Speech on Farewell, it’s another fact that the mike malfunctioned and the range of my speech was inaudible to my batch-mates. In conclusion, no one really listened to the speech I delivered. So, like a good blogger(nope, I am not a good blogger, who am I kidding), I am gonna write down the speech here for any future references.

Continue reading “My Valedictorian Speech.”

Ballad to the Benevolent


We joined this abode undraped & revealing,

Fickle and skittish in thoughts and feelings

Not sure if things had meaning

Maybe we WERE indeed dreaming

But even while we dreamt, out-of-bounds we felt


Our heads held tall like awed ingenues

Irked by the purgatory where we’re all denounced

We kicked, screamed, cried on the entrance

Boy! Was that notion to be altered and adjusted

Held afloat perchance in the ocean we all detest


That was the start, we’re about to be blown apart

With things that still didn’t hold any meaning, reason, or basis for being

Dawdling thither like a vagrant migrant, still seeking……

Seeking for that meaning that stayed onshore,

While we headed offshore skewing and straying

Continue reading “Ballad to the Benevolent”





“Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth? That morning, my brother’s was worth a pocket watch.”  

Screenshot_6This is a spoiler-free review of BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY by RUTA SEPETYS, here I am just talking about the plot and pace of the book.


In 1941, fifteen-year-old Lina is preparing for art school, first dates, and all that summer has to offer. But one night, the Soviet secret police barge violently into her home, deporting her along with her mother and younger brother. They are being sent to Siberia. Lina’s father has been separated from the family and sentenced to death in a prison camp. All is lost.

Lina fights for her life, fearless, vowing that if she survives she will honor her family, and the thousands like hers, by documenting their experience in her art and writing. She risks everything to use her art as messages, hoping they will make their way to her father’s prison camp to let him know they are still alive.

It is a long and harrowing journey, and it is only their incredible strength, love, and hope that pull Lina and her family through each day. But will love be enough to keep them alive?

Between Shades of Gray is a riveting novel that steals your breath, captures your heart, and reveals the miraculous nature of the human spirit.

Writing a book review can be a daunting experience sometimes, especially when you love a book as much as I loved Between Shades of Gray, I love historical fiction genre. for some reason, I find historical fiction poignant and exquisite which teaches you about the history and some unsung stories. You could feel the torment and agony of the protagonist in the pages, of course, there are some sanguine and lively novels within the genre.  I tend to incline towards novels that are set in World War or any Wartime period, I find such stories fascinating to read about, you learn not only about the state of mind of the soldiers around that time but also about the affected civilians’ obscure stories.  I have heard and read nothing but prodigious rave reviews and praises on Ruta Sepetys’s debut novel, It has all the traits of a historical fiction novel I was searching for at that time, so without thinking twice, I picked-it-up.

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I absolutely loved Between Shades Of Gray, this book is one of my all-time favorites and I recommend this to everyone. Let’s talk about the book’s 4 scales, I usually measure a book on (Writing, Pacing, Characters, How much it affected me)

“We’d been trying to touch the sky from the bottom of the ocean.”

Continue reading “Spoiler Free Review Of “BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY” by RUTA SEPETYS”

Jumanji 2 : Welcome to the jungle SPOILER-FREE review

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 A game for those who seek to find / A way to leave their world behind.

Ever been stuck in a game, we all at some point in our lifetime wish to live the life of the protagonist we are controlling over the screen, wouldn’t that’d be fascinating. Until we are there, the things begin to seem surreal. I have been an admirer of the first film, the original, I have seen as many times as there it is, I cant count the times on my fingers that’s for sure. I even went ahead and followed the animated series of Alan Parrish in Jumanji jungle. which is evident enough I was excited to relive the Jumanji journey, the itinerary of it, filled with adventure and ANIMALS !!

This is a video game, which means we have special skills.

I like the intertextuality they did to bring back the nostalgia,  it contributed significantly to Jumanji’s success. You can’t help but notice the small intricate details in the movie which connects to its predecessor. I, for sure enjoyed Jumanji 2, it did justice to his predecessor. The titular game this time around wasn’t that daunting like earlier, jokes and witty writing with excellent background score made the movie a risible in a way.

Image result for jumanji 2

What you seek is in the basket / If you’re not careful, you’ll be in a casket / Trust each other, and never blink / The missing piece is not what you think.


It all started out with a game and turned into an expedition called Jumanji. The movie gave 15 mins to introduce the diverse character set of characters and their personality quirks. Spencer, a smart and dorky kid who lacks confidence and is in dire need of friends, Spencer life revolves around video games and books. Fridge, tall-built, athlete, little delinquent and coerce, who needs to learn about being modest. Bethany, your typical beauty-queen, extremely ethereal, the ‘IT’ girl who needs to learn about inner-beauty and amour-propre. Martha, studious and demure who needs to learn to be nonchalant and living the moment. Each one of the character land themselves in detention and from there they go on an excursion of discovering their true-self.

Image result for jumanji 2 kidsImage result for jumanji 2

Fridge finds the titular game which now has taken a form of video-game to lure the audition of today.  when Spencer fixes the game and asks the other to join this game called Jumanji but little did they know about the competence of Jumanji, this leisure game turned lethal when they got themselves trailed by the game and then what: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE:. Each teenager getting transmutes into the avatar they chose to play the game. The subtext here is that each teenager gets the personality divulging their personality quirks. Definitely, I don’t understand the commercialism and branding of this movie as a squeal, Jumanji 2 can be released as a stand-alone. I guess, creating a Jumanji cinematic universe may add up to its selling factor, the whole movie is filled with evocative references to the old Jumanji. In Jumanji 2, their quest is to retrieve the jewel back to its rightful place which in Jumanji JUNGLE is a jaguar mountain.


Overall I’d say I liked the movie, it was enjoyable. would I recommend this movie? well, yet I’d but I do think the movie has some plot hole, it isn’t a masterpiece like its predecessor or a cult classic. Jumanji 2 is unique in its own way, I guess its target audition mostly consists of teen and young folks, and it did win teenagers and younger audition’s heart.I am a bit iffy about it, in a way it is forgettable but then again it is a commercial movie and made for entertainment purpose. I felt good after watching the movie, it worth my time but I just don’t see Jumanji 2 as one of my favorite movie, one-time watch.  I guess 3.5/5 would be suited for Jumanji 2. 

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Continue reading “Jumanji 2 : Welcome to the jungle SPOILER-FREE review”






“Best of an island is once you get there – you can’t go any farther…you’ve come to the end of things…” 

If I look at my bookshelf and categorize them by genres, I’d find contemporary and magical realism books in a great number, I read fewer fantasy books and even lesser thriller/mystery books, actually, the number stands next to none in that case.  Recently I have come across Agatha Christie, it’s not that I never knew her I remember watching her biopic in 7th and getting fascinated by her enthralling life and as a writer, she did accomplish a lot, I hadn’t read any of her books but that changed with “and there were none” book. I bought the book last month and read in 4 days when I say 4 days I meant that I read it fast. I am a slow reader and I read for the sake of the hobby I have, not at all competitive with it, slow as a sloth. I did hear a lot about Agatha Christie and not gonna lie but for the first time my expectation for a certain book was skyrocketing and it did deliver that. Let’s us get into the review and rate the book through and through.


this is a spoiler free review of AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by AGATHA CHRISTIE, here I am just talking about the plot and pace of the book.




First, there were ten – a curious assortment of strangers summoned as weekend guests to a private island off the coast of Devon. Their host, an eccentric millionaire unknown to all of them, is nowhere to be found. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they’re unwilling to reveal – and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. One by one they fall prey. Before the weekend is out, there will be none. And only the dead are above suspicion.

The book is based on the poem by Frank Green (he isn’t john and hank green’s descendant or cousin)

“Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.
Eight little Indian boys traveling in Devon; One said he’d stay there and then there were seven.
Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six. 
Six little Indian boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little Indian boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little Indian boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three. 
Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one.
One little Indian boy left all alone; He went and hanged himself and then there were none.” 



the book opens up with letters by an anonymous person, all of the letters had an undersigned by the name of U.N Owen in illegible handwriting, the letter invites the first 8 guests to the island called soldier island and two of the ten were present there already for service purpose. (are you getting something) the contend in the letters had a very vague description of the event yet it sounded familiar to our guests, each of them was asked to join the island for work, party or for some other reason like spy job in the book. Once they reached the island the murder play began, that’s not a spoiler the book itself says that. the action of the book begins right away, you will not have to wait a while for the 1st murder, it’ll happen on the spur of the moment, the book kept me on the edge of the seat. I dedicated my hours reading it and foreshadowing the next instances but ya none happened.


I seriously couldn’t put it down, I had to know the murderer and had to reach the end. ohh my wild theories and all.

“In the midst of life, we are in death.”

The whole book is filled with mystery, you couldn’t possibly guess the murderer until the very end and the plot twist well you gotta wait for it and read it to believe it. the drama is packed full.


The writing style is very lucid and you will not have any difficulty grasping the plot and the speakers besides unlike any other classic book this book doesn’t use that kind of metaphorical language that would bamboozle your mind, which is great. The book is divided into small paragraphs by numbers, each has another person’s perspective if that makes sense. it is written differently and for that, you have to grab your copy as soon as you can.

I love the theme of the book, it is that you can’t escape the ghost of your crime, it’ll haunt you forever, the subconscious guilt inside your head. The guest present on the island had some dark secrets hidden and the one string connecting the secret they have in common is that the guests had committed one dreadful crime which they try to cover with cloth so dearly. told you so the book is the full package.

the whole soldier island is well built and its backstory primely its existence and owner story, the atmosphere created by AG is phenomenal, I love the way Ag had depicted mental health issues in the book, how the murders slowly spread its roots of panic and anxiety to our alive guests. the survival instinct and the tension among them are well written, I could feel a growing tension and betrayal and that content suspicion factor. the book is a dark and psychological delight to some who enjoys it but for the rookies like us well you couldn’t find a better mystery book to start off with.


Me, after reading the plot twist wow wow


“Be sure thy sin will find thee out.” 

If we talk about the character then out all of the ten I love knowing about Vera and Lombard’s character, they intrigued me a lot especially Vera and her past. Every character has something to offer to the story, with their dark and deceiving past, you will find it hard to figure out what is true and what is not.  all of it is very nicely woven and presented. The flow of the books is fast paced, you will not feel bored at all rather you’ll dig more and more into the next scene. The murders again were executed in perfection. Saluting Agatha Christie for her perfect work, I will be looking forward to her next work and she opened the door for my mystery/thriller book genre.

Definitely gonna watch the TV show now. I was watching the trailer of this TV Show, not gonna lie but Mr. Lombard woof he looks fine, more than fine. damn man. landscape-1449498593-and-then-there-were-none.jpg

yup, I ship it, dude Mr. Lombard in the show is perfection ( add chandler’s voice over )




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Let me know your thoughts 🙂 about the book, what you like what you didn’t like about the book if you haven’t read the book yet then when are you planning to read 🙂

if you haven’t read the book then when are you planning to read it 🙂

Let’s Chat ….


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Don’t spoil it for others
